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We are preparing for the fifth generation of design. (part 2)

by Memepro 2020. 4. 19.

We are living in the 5th generation of design.

This is the second article.


In the first part, there were so many stories from the past, so it was like a memoir to the designer. In this article, I will talk about the present and the near future, which are felt very realistically.



The era of the 4th generation of IT design (2010-2020)

The start of innovation in html5, flexible UI, and responsive UX


Another innovation is taking place in the daily lives of designers who used to fit all screen displays on only 19-inch and 20 inch monitors. It feels similar to when Macromedia's Director, an authoring tool, released Flash vector animation tools for the web in the late 90's. (Flash later moved to Adobe)

The era of html 4.0 is over, the beginning of 5.0.

For UX designers, the era of division coding (DIV, Layer) is over and the era of canvas coding begins. If you use Javascript and the PIXI engine, it's an animation html that solves any RPG game. Have you ever imagined it? In fact, it can be said that html5 is the standard that divides the first and second generations of PC-side UX design. This is because so many parts have changed from the existing coding and design methods.


When designers praised html5, they gave off a little more intellectual aura and spirit.



Following Steve Jobs' flash security problem, Adobe's Flash Kill Project is launched globally with the goal of final annihilation in 2020. Numerous flash games are replaced by html5 games, and Naver Maps also deletes all flash and starts replacing it with ajax. Flash games, the main source of revenue for the Facebook Store, start to disappear and start using WebGL to survive. Where are the flash developers and flash motion designers who were flashy at the time? Everyone must have switched to a different engine. By insulting Jobs. Because I did too...


Flash you lost! The war between Jobs and Adobe. Flash was weak in security, but it was a problem that could be overcome by improving it. But let's kill the flash is weak in the Apple browser... Jobs is great, but he's great...


Eventually, Adobe re-branded the name of Flash and changed it to Adobe Animate. There is still no one who can't beat this guy in the vector animation tool... It won't be able to replace it in the future. Because I'm not going to make a vector animation engine... so that's why Jobs is great??? huh?



The beginning of mobile UX design

The term 'UX design' is no longer just the domain of the Web. Designing and configuring screens across desktop and mobile is simply UX design. After going through a transition period for several years, it is difficult to make a living without composing the PC screen and the smartphone screen together, and it has become a natural set. Branding is included in it according to creative ability, so a designer can only survive when he is a super talented person. For an old designer like me who spent the 20th century in Leeds, a daunting future began to appear.


Responsive UX becomes a must. (Responsive UX)

A responsive web that satisfies both PC and mobile screen display with one coding is called responsive web. Not only the web, but also native applications are moving toward this responsive UX.


The most common responsive UX was led by shopping malls. In early 2010, when shopping mall skins were amplified, PC shopping malls were the trend, but now mobile skins are more popular. Also, skins that don't fit both devices in one pair don't sell well. As such, shopping mall operators can easily manufacture them, and design providers have begun to divide designs according to their capabilities.



The era of the 5th generation of IT design (2020~)

That metric of pretending to be intelligent, called UX, mentioned above is no longer a problem.


To say the least, a world designed by AI is coming, and the scary thing is that they have recognized this and started paying for it.


Have you ever imagined that a bot would do the design for you?

If the design is created automatically by the generator, then the real designer has to provide the source for the bot... Very breath-taking! A reality such as the clogged machine and the war between mankind has also come upon designers.

This evolution started from the time when you could already match the skin of a shopping mall or the skin of a web hosting company's homepage as a template setting. The pride that robots could not surpass for the emotional talent of 'art'. But even now it is falling apart.

The logo file and homepage design created by the Untact (Uncontact) generator has become so smart that there is no big difference from the design created by looking at each other face to face. The coffee brewed by the barista is more valuable, but the time has come when busy people have to accept the crisis that they have no complaints even if they drink the coffee made by the vending machine.


More and more businesses are selling automated generation templates. That's why there's a lot of demand for it, because it's more than enough to fit the image I want with Untact at a low price rather than paying a high cost to a designer with high self-esteem. Designers now have to fight designers like Terminator. That is why there are many platforms that sell talents like Kumon these days. I'm still more human than a robot!


In the future, 50% of humanity will be freelancers.

You will live by monetizing your own talents. In order to monetize this, they have to use the robot that has taken away their abilities and even get help. This is the case with freelancers and business operators in the form of digital nomads that are already starting today. This is because an industrial war is starting with the productivity of talents that have never been met before, such as Kumon, Taling, and YouTube creators.


In the future, this blog is going to target this point. I hope it will be a blog that gives nostalgia to designers who miss analog and spreads the knowledge of the past to young designers who are preparing for the future. Although it is impossible not to have a vague story to survive, I will aim at the spirit of the times and future design to accept it as positively as possible.

