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We are preparing for the fifth generation of design. (part 1)

by Memepro 2020. 4. 22.

We are living in the fifth generation of design.

We've lived through the fourth generation of design, and we're moving on to the fifth.
The content was long, so we decided to organize the first and second episodes.
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IT Design Generation 1 (1990-1995)


There was no Web yet. In the United States, World Wide Web (WWW) was beginning, but it was an unfamiliar technology in Korea. The only thing that's inevitable is that the PC itself has run out of supply, so what kind of ordinary people would have searched on their computers and used expensive personal PC equipment?

The most familiar category for designers at that time is DTP (Desktop Printing)

You can think of it as an era of publishing books at a desk. Now, of course, they write books on computers and produce results with files such as PDFs and PPTs, but in the early '90s, they were film-based (post-posting, computer feed, and DTP industry...).

It may seem to be an unimaginable primitive way, but it was only 20 years ago, and the most developed area in Seoul was Chungmuro, where so many designers were working at the industry industry industry industry industry industry industry industry.

The DTP (Desktop Printing, Desktop Publishing) printing revolution in the 1990s made it possible to print alone. All of the traditional film-style design studies were replaced by DTP, an era of confusion among universities, hagwons and other educational institutions. Korea's printing development is attributed to the DTP market in Chungmuro.


Print innovation brought by Apple Macintosh (Quark express)

What made DTP possible was the combination of Adobe's PostScript technology running on Apple's Macintosh computers and external hard drives, SCSI external hard-font boxes, and Apple's film output, creating a huge industry index of electronic publishing.
At this time, there were many platform operators who controlled fonts, and Yoon Seo-che's design and Yoon Pont Research Institute were famous IT base design companies.


Quark Express 3.3 Start Screen and Macintosh


The Second Generation of IT Design (1995-2000). the heyday of web design


The advent of the Web. The emergence of modems. the age of PC communication
IT innovation of the earth and mankind that made our current designer exist. World Wide Web

I started to see the information that I used to read through news and newspapers on my PC. We needed a small machine called a modem, and we needed a telecommunication product called PC communication that had a billing system. With this condition, I read the New York Times by my window, read the Chosun Ilbo, and write my professional discussion. A time when you could see pictures. (In fact, the purpose of buying men's modems was to collect wild history.)

The age of Netscape and Explorer browsers.
Netscape made by Netscape Communications Corp. was dominant in the market, and Microsoft's Explorer was closely trailing behind. (Explorer is now Edge Browser, Netscape is now Firefox)




Here, we meet the assignment of "Display Design, " or "Web Design."

Early web design was a daunting display due to the transmission speed of communication. When the monitor resolution was only 640x480 px.

The only objects to design were the logo of the website, the logo of the Footer, and the image cutting and retouching that come out from time to time.

It was a time when HTML3.5 was implemented to realize the web rather than an industry to design the whole web and make a living. Naturally, a job called coder was created, and the unit price of an HTML coding was raised by 1 million won each.

Designers were recognized as experts only when they knew that the HTML of hard-coding was somewhat different, and a website manager named Webmaster appeared.

With the creation of optical cable and ADSL telephone network operators such as Dreamline and Thrunet, and the formation of a high-speed Internet market, the Web is overflowing with images, and with the emergence of Adobe's flash, industries that only produce web design begin to spring up.


That is the emergence of the web agency.

It was a grateful industrial revolution that made today's UX possible and upgraded the status and location of web designers to the next level.

Currently, there are many big manager-level UX designers from this time of the year, and it was a time when Web exhibition experience was relatively recognized.


IT Design Generation 3 (2000-2010)

UI design, UX design. Jobs that study usability begin to emerge.
As large companies prepare for e-biz businesses such as e-marketplace and eCRM, the market for Web-Agency is growing tremendously.

The Korean web agency market, which had been flowing around 10 solid companies, including Hongik Internet, Click, Cloud Nine, Emotion, Dream One, Netro 21, and Design Storm in the late 1990s and early 2000s, was in the Spring and Autumn War era, but due to the production unit price falling with the internal organizational settings of e-biz giants such as Naver and Daum, the company is in trouble. In the end, talented designers from Web-Agency move to portal companies such as Naver, Daum and Empas along the capital market, and the Web-Agency business becomes a seller to a buyer and collapses.

CloudNine, Pentabrid WebAgency CI


Portal business operators such as Naver and Daum begin to realize their own design.

I was aware from the start of the business that all sales and business cores are on the main page and come out of the search results screen. By hiring numerous UI designers, design giants begin to emerge. The organization creates a very tired job for the high-end, demanding UI designer, who derives his own job and is called "user experience."

UX design, which was a nuisance to the UI designer who was pursuing style and artist...
Designing through professional data and basic behavioral patterns creates two ways for web designers.

As the future of being a designer who has taken practical tests for entering school and lived to draw well begins to be taken away by researchers who study data and patterns without drawing at all, I start to wonder which way to succeed and which path suits me. Also, with the emergence of schools that disappear from college entrance exams to practical tests, not only Naver but also Samsung and LG all adopted the job, and now they call web designers just UX designers. (BX Designer, sister brand designer...)


Infographic that can distinguish UI from UX. In fact, it is now all fused up. Since UX is a higher concept in social position, I had to admire UI. From UX's point of view, did I have to ignore UI a little bit because I don't know how to draw my own? It is remembered as (This is the sensitive part. However, since they are very important in the design industry, let's think that they can earn a lot of salary if they do well.



The size and influence of the UX's ambiguous position began with the smart specifications of studying HCI, which led to the transformation of the industry's industry industry itself into a researcher. Frustrated UI (User interface) designers came to call themselves UX researchers and UX designers, and that's how we end up carrying on our lives as usability designers.

And the market is changing again...

